I am one of those people who have been focused on weight for most of my life. I came by that interest honestly because it was always there right in front of me. There have been ventures into such a variety of programs with the singular purpose of bringing one’s weight into line with correct thinking and good health.

There was always success in weight loss and physical conditioning programs—until I stopped active participation in that particular program and BAM—there it was again. It didn’t matter the level of my commitment to that program; it only mattered that I never quit the program. I quit every program at my own peril.

I will never forget all of those slogans to assist with the correct adjustment of my attitude for total success, but the one that comes to mind first is the one which says that you are what you eat. I know that sounds foolish, but there is more truth found therein than we first perceive.

The Prophet Jeremiah give us a clue in 15.16: ‘When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God Almighty.’ The principles are the same—you become what you consume! Every health program works when one is committed to it. I have thus decided to be a consumer of the Word of God for my own health and well-being.