There is such a pervasive attitude about being politically correct these days that it’s almost impossible to make any suggestive correction into the life of another without fearing the wrath of government or some group or an individual with an axe to grind about something or other. Even our schools are being infested with this mindset so that students face the possibility of not being taught at all.

Some of the wise sayings of King Solomon address the importance of corrective admonition in Proverbs 15.31-33: He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise. Notice that there are some bits of advice which are life-saving. The one giving advice must be trusted without question, but there is still the option of the one receiving that advice to ignore it completely.

Solomon then continues: He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding. My experience of learning how to hear a word of correction from a trusted counselor has always been painful, but without exception those words have changed my life for the better.

Solomon concludes: The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor. To respond to wise counsel moves one along the path to wisdom—no need to make the same stupid mistakes again. And to humble oneself to truth is vital if one is to draw closer to the Lord in this walk of faith. Set your mind and your heart to hear wise counsel from trusted elders. GOD REALLY DOES KNOW WHAT WE NEED TO HEAR—LET’S LISTEN!