As one grows older in the walk through life it seems that the clock is just placed on the shelf when it comes to how one spends the day and night. There was a time when I could never sleep during the daytime—for any reason whatsoever. That’s been stood on its head. I find that I can sleep any time—day or night. Yet the nights differ somehow. I sleep less, read and pray more, and see much more.

Jesus identified a great difference between light and dark in terms of one’s walk in John 11.9-10: Jesus answered, ‘Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world’s light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.’ That is not hard to understand on its face, but that is not all there is for us in God.

My daughter pointed out to me something she had learned from her grandmother as a very young child. She was taught that in the dark, if you close your eyes really tightly for several seconds, you can then see light in the dark. I am finding that I, too, have learned to see better in the dark.

My days normally begin in the middle of the night—not because they must, but they just do. The first thing I do is to begin my daily routine of prayer. I believe it’s like closing my eyes really tightly—knowing that everything that was present in the daylight is present in the dark. In daylight or dark, beloved, because of the Spirit of God is always present we are always of the day! PRAISE GOD FOR HIS SON!