It is a mistake on the part of anyone who may think that God is all sweetness and light, and as a nice God, that he will simply look the other way when people do something stupid. We must get the real picture here: God is just! He cannot ignore sin, but must judge it—even in his most faithful servants.

Consider Moses, who stood in the face of God; heard his voice plainly; showed evidence of God’s glory on his own face; was the agent of establishing the God’s Covenant with Israel; but missed the Promised Land when in his anger he struck the rock rather than to speak to the rock from which the water was to come, as God had instructed him so to do.

Saint Paul clearly addressed God’s justice in Romans 1.18-19: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. It is tough to miss the intent here—God gets mad when his word is denied and betrayed!

It is impossible to miss this truth. Paul concludes: since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. If we are to claim that we know God at all, we must address his wrath at sin in this world—particularly among those who claim to be his. In knowing God, it is always better to REPENT AND BE RESTORED! We truly know God in that way, too.