Having walked in this continually changing life of faith for many years, I find myself on the horns of the proverbial dilemma: on the one hand, I can hardly wait for God to do a new thing in my life; and on the other hand I could stay where I am in the Lord forever and be happy as could be. What I cannot fathom is living life without the Spirit of God!

There are times when I am absolutely certain that God must be out of his mind to have anything to do with the likes of me. There are other times when I wonder if God himself can drag me—kicking and screaming—into his eternal Kingdom at all. That is usually when God simply and quietly tells me to relax in his arms and trust him. WOW! WOW!

Then I realize again for the millionth time that not only can I not do it on my own, but I cannot do anything in my own strength. The writer to the Hebrew Christians sums it all up for me in 8.1-2: ‘The point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven.’

God knew that I would wrestle with these things all along the path of my walk—even as a man of faith—and provided me with his Son to bring me into the Throne Room. Jesus came so that I could get into the Holy of Holies by him: ‘who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man.’ How silly to imagine getting to God on my own! I must be one of his to be there—AND I AM ONE OF HIS! YES!