It is not difficult to become skeptical regarding how people address you. There are times when one wonders if there is some level of sincerity lacking in a communiqué which is just too formal. I’m thinking now of that card which comes at holiday time from the car dealership expressing best wishes to those who have purchased an auto from them.

A high level of sincerity is crucial when one really wants another to know how important this sharing is, as the Apostle writes in 1 Corinthians 16.21-24: ‘I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand.’ That greeting would catch one’s attention as being important enough to seriously consider what is being written therein.

Saint Paul was more often than not sharing an identity with those to whom he was writing. There are those who think this declaration indicates a weakness of Paul’s eyes, but I believe it was the use of a communication tool to indicate strength of caring for the recipient of the letter. He identifies with those who believe: ‘If anyone does not love the Lord—a curse be on him. Come, O Lord!’ A line is drawn in the sands of faith.

The Apostle concludes his letter with a statement of devotion to the Lord Jesus and to those who walk with the Lord, and with him: ‘The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you; my love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.’ It is important to share with those who walk with us in faith just how precious they are to us. WE ARE ONE IN CHRIST!