I know very well what it is like not to see clearly, having worn glasses from a very early age. As I have aged I find that I have needed stronger and stronger lenses in order to see as clearly as I once was able to view things. Then there was the time of trying bifocals, and that lost cause of wearing trifocals and progressive lenses and self-darkening lenses—well, you get the picture.

The last time I had an eye examination the doctor told me that I was starting to develop cataracts and would need to consider lens replacement surgery in the not-too-distant future. Simply put—according to the doctor—my eyes have run the gamut of providing sight of one sort or another and of one quality or another for my entire life.

It was several years ago as I began to walk in faith with Jesus Christ that I started to realize that I had several sets of eyes with which to see. Certainly there were the eyes of my head, and I found that I had eyes in my soul—the emotional perspective of things, the feelings; the senses. When I came into the baptism of the Holy Spirit I found that I had eyes in my spirit with which to see the things of God.

Saint Paul writes of this truth in Ephesians 1.18: ‘I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.’ The spiritual eyes allow me to see into the plan of God for my life, and how he wants me to live that plan. I have come to see God and his will for me, and in that very clear sense I have been enlightened by the light of Christ in my life. I CAN SEE! PRAISE GOD! I CAN SEE HIM!