I am firmly convinced that you and I are going to be very surprised when we see who makes it into heaven. Jesus has some really strange friends—many of whom are those who do not meet the standard of acceptability held by those of us who can demonstrate a history of relationship in good standing with the Lord Christ—a pedigree, if you will.

We should never fail to notice that Jesus did not evaluate anyone by the same set of qualification that we find so very convenient. This is not a new thing in the life of the Church. The first elders faced that very thing, as we read in Acts 11.17-18: ‘So if God gave them the same gift as he gave us, who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could oppose God?’

If we could just get the picture of how Jesus chose us to share in his life, we might just begin to see everyone else through his eyes. Quite frankly, I do not find comfort in the reality that I could be in opposition to God as I complain about the gifts he gives to the people we may not want to hang around with in life.

The elders got the message: When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, ‘So then, God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life.’ God can and will do exactly what he chooses whether I like it or not. The only choice I have to make is whether or not I want to be with Jesus. In truth, I am only numbered among the faithful because JESUS GAVE ME THE SAME GIFTING!