In the early days of my walking in the power of the Spirit I used to wonder why everyone for whom I prayed for healing wasn’t healed instantly. Those who were instantly healed brought an excitement into the lives of everyone who witnessed that miracle, and I found it difficult to imagine that God wouldn’t do it every time I prayed. But he didn’t.

Some of the people for whom I prayed were healed over a period of time—most with the involvement of the medical professionals. But there were those who just died without any manifestation of healing whatsoever. What made the difference? That was to be determined by the Healer himself—in what way was he to be glorified?

Jesus always knew the outcome before the prayer, as we read in John 11.4: When he heard this, Jesus said, ‘This sickness will not end in death.’ The difference was not in how a prayer was offered for healing—the difference was clearly in terms of the manner of healing which would bring the greatest glory to God. We do not need to understand it. The Apostle continues: ‘No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.’

Our view of the scope of God’s realm is so very limited by what we know and see. Our call is to pray for the healing God wants in order that he receives the greatest glory through the healing. Most often it is we who want the glory for healing prayers rather than God getting glory through our prayers. We must pray, for that is what we do. But God receives the glory for answered prayer. WE ARE TO GLORIFY GOD IN PRAYER!