It is a difficult thing for many of us to perceive of ourselves as being righteous. It just doesn’t seem right that God would identify us as such, and yet because he does so, we must begin to see the truth of his words. In the Book of Wisdom 5.15-16, King Solomon shares: But the righteous live on forever. This is easier to accept now that we know about eternal life. God grades on a curve?

Trust me when I share with you that if you and I are going to live eternally, we are among the righteous! But the evidence gains momentum as Solomon continues: The Lord will reward them; the Most High will protect them. There is a reward which comes along with eternal life in the presence of Almighty God.

But what could be a greater reward than being with God in heaven eternally? Well take a gander at the next statement in Solomon’s declaration: He will give them royal splendor and a magnificent crown. WHOA! Can this be real? And mine? There is something about being a child of the King which brings with it a whole lot of splendor.

But the promise does not end there. If we have a problem with being righteous, being rewarded, being protected, living in royal splendor and wearing a crown, look at the closing comment: He will shield them with his powerful arm. Not only will we be on the inside, nothing will ever successfully come against us as we live out eternity. YES! YOU ARE ONE OF THE RIGHTEOUS ONES!