One of those things I enjoy most about my present-day walk with my Lord Jesus Christ is the manner in which he reminds me of that place from which I have come in our relationship of faith. I am so glad he did not leave me to rust back in those early days of our time together.

Not only do I enjoy remembering those early days of faith, I particularly delight in sharing those times with other brothers and sisters who have had similar scenes of the faith-life, but from particular perspectives. It is rather like someone has been keeping a notebook on each of us, from which we are reminded from time-to-time that we are no longer where we were back when.

I have discovered who has kept the log on my faith life—God! He has been involved from the very beginning, and he has kept notes with which to remind me of just how far I have come. The Prophet lets us in on the secret in Malachi 3.16: Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard.

We were told that when two or more of us got together in the name of Jesus he would be there, too, and Malachi lets the cat out of God’s bag as he concludes: A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name. I am filled with awe over the fact that my Lord would enjoy spending so much time with me in my faith life walk.