Have you ever come to one of those times in your faith walk when you wonder if God is even able to hear your prayers? The feeling is often that the ceiling of our prayers has turned to bronze—there seems to be no way for us to break through to God, and absolutely no way for him to hear our pleas for help in those times of serious need.

We can clearly identify with the prophet Jeremiah as he writes in Lamentations 3.55-57: ‘I called on your name, O LORD, from the depths of the pit.’ Oh, No! Not the pit! What a terrible place to be found. Do you resonate with being in the pits? We often cry out to God from that place of desperation, but usually with little satisfaction for our cries.

It is important for us to know that God never fails to hear our pleas, whether we feel that they have been heard and answered or not! Jeremiah continues: ‘You heard my plea: Do not close your ears to my cry for relief.’ YES! God hears every cry, but he seldom responds to our cries as we would expect him to respond. We want an instant gratification, but God’s timing is precise, and the “when” is up to him.

If we can begin from the position of believing and realizing that God always hears our cries for his assistance, then it is much easier to accept his response to us. We often fail to hear God’s answer. Jeremiah concludes: ‘You came near when I called you, and you said, ‘Do not fear.’’ God wants us to know that he always hears, and responds to us, and that it would bless him if we allowed him to be God here. GOD HEARS ME!